TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 30900
contest winner
lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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Views: 317

Talking in texts

Destroys the content of a conversation

Especially when it holds a form of importance

Text cant convey emotion Leaving the mind to assume or undestimate the sincerity

Especially when the only time the two speak is through text only

There is no reputation to compare to

The mind begins to turn

Receiving and sending messages that wasn't there

It's unfair

Causing confusion

Always texting someone is a illusion of communication

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after vision says:

standing up my poet and snapping, Amen

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Ezell-Dazh says:

Polarizing Proposal

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Yes indeed, nailed it...I dreamed about fish, is it you?

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twistedbeauty says:

thanks for the feedback..not to my knowledge...

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