Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
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lightness in the dark

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Views: 317
Let us join one another as our sky's reunite. Let our stars know no gaps. Let our rainbows touch many hearts. Let's cover our eyes in the mist of our love until the dew of our nature drips from the leafs of forest trees, we shall be forever as the distance between light stretching years in measurements. Let us know each others breath as life, Let us know each others touch as home, speak each others name as perfect memories! There is no limit to time's perception that will veer me from the moments I'm willing to stand awaiting an ever lasting us. Your eyes made up of perfect futures told by philosophers in the short understanding of your beauty!, for your soul captures my very imagination of joy to overflow my senses. Still I dare to find a heart made above the essence of me, a mere man! You are my prayerful desire, My gift beyond simple use. You my love are my Goddess from up above, where I shall place no other!

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