TimChronicle | Poetry Vibe
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Skin Tone



Views: 497

I wish that you could see inside my minds state. This slow process I initiate the form of soft spoken words encouraging love to reach boundaries beyond racism depression and hate!

As what I feel is not just a feeling but condition. And I dress the wounds of submission. Remembering the very moment you became more than just this vision.

Every footstep reminded me of strength as not so kind expressions began to sink in your path. What I know is that together we'll defeat the odds in time while you place your hands in my "Skin Tone!"

For the couples of the world who's skin does not match my love cries out. It's time for us to start thinking before we open our mouth. Sick of crying and crying and crying inside out. Wondering what path my life would be on if I was without; my "Skin Tone."

We'd all be so prosperous if we just accept who we are. These colors are not flaws or scars. Stop gazing upon us as if We do not belong in the forefront but behind bars.

Like I've taken advantage of what's not yours to begin with. If you only knew my condition is relentless. For no age body configuration or pigment.

Not in need of your riches or finest cognacs on ice. Your respect and understanding would suffice; our "Skin Tone!"

Righteous in my engagement of this decree. Doing my part working with the best tools given to me. Love unmatched by any boundary set before my "Skin Tone!"

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