Unbiased Love...
I never had to be offered a promise of commitment, or ring to call you a King, and believe in the power of all things unforeseen. Crossing paths, as a teacher who teaches math, add them up 7 years with no transparency, aspiring to have individual prosperity. Travelling different roads at night sharing desires, success, heartaches, and strifes, labelling it the basic parts of LIFE. Selfishly YOU..I adore! Selflessly giving more of myself.. minus love declarations, or societies jacked up expectations, and anything I felt disappears the moment I walk out that door. A flourishing friendship is what this continues to be..since I'm old enough to see through fairy tails, and never quite believed in destiny.. ending eye to eye..I can abundantly see.. the reflection looking back at me.. beast versus beauty.. fighting the demons inside of me. My protector, life coach, and referee.. has been essential to my soul..in which I had convicted of 3rd degree.. a release of pain.. replaced by positive energy.. complete harmony. Thanks for showing me unconditional, unbiased love!
It's Moaning.. Chronicles of The Heart