House of correction umbilical connection to wall street Dow Jones average.
Colored commodities processed at central booking.
Fingerprinted, nutsack inspected, prepared for gladiator games.
14 cents an hour, 23 hour lockdown, stand behind yellow lines or you will be shot...
Caged heat engine powers money streams vast and deep..
Pacing in chain link dog kennels. Pent up poverty felons face time alone, solitary flesh and bone gears moving inside a precise macabre machine. Supervised manchild in ankle bracelets, black robes open centuries old valves to penitentiary pipelines.
inmate programs
inmate programmed into a Pavlovian response.
Programmed with DOC hot branded on the confined psyche, jacked into the Prison Industrial Complex..
Supermax, geto graduates receive dark doctorates on the pathology of man....