Nya_Pargo | Poetry Vibe
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Poetry is the Deepest part of me!

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Poetry messanger


Views: 423
Never underestimate the power of a strong woman; it is her weakness that builds character & her strength that creates a heart more precious then valuable jewels...she is the main ingredient far beyond flour and molecules! She is not the epitome of stupidity even though she may make the same mistakes repeatedly; she however is aware that life is about choices, wheather right or wrong shes gains wisdom & understanding. Standing or sitting walking or crawling; we all have fallen. When I say to you I am a child of God, understand I am saying I AM A CHILD OF YAH! I am blessed to have been through the struggles and win & I am sure I can tell you the colors of the wind and know that not all of them are solid, some of them blend. I am sure that this world can be cold & deadly & to meet a soul like mine one must be spiritually ready and spiritually steady because the truth resides in those who hurt the most but are spiritually handy; like his tool we must work & not for the award grammy but for the best to come. I hold back alot of my writings just because of my slick tounge. See I wasnt sure if i was a fit candidate to send off messages until more then 1 messenger came to me saying I had a Job due to my wisdom & intelligence! Im only 24 is what i just keep saying & my attitude is kind of rude so what is the message im conveying? "Just do as i tell you, speak with ease when you teach! There will be times your going to be hurt but it is only a mere scar to always remember how great of a woman you are. There will be times you wont be heard but Understand that damage is never inflicted to harm the heart; just feel and vibrate where the open wound has emerged and trust that there is a process for everything including healing. Never question my doings or ask why I've put such things into place understand if you ask I will give but never rush the pace &  always be cautious with your feet because receiving is not a race". See...I respect these conversations i have with self even though some days i feel insaine and feel the need to ask is this just some physiological disorder that has me mentally stressed out and deranged, Who am i talking too because soon as I started writing what i thought would be a decent poem im all of a sudden writting a prophecy with conversations between God and i????? the voice i hear in my head is my own yet it is nothing close to what i have been prone to speaking. I've adjusted to listening to it but never taking heed that it may be realistic and knowing that im not going crazy....well maybe i have been chosen to speak to him through my poetry and maybe the voice i hear is sincere because it has never told me to do anything to harm myself or others. With that being said i will let my readers read and hopefully understand that poetry is not a talent, it is a family genetic that has been passed down for centuries to speak powerful words to heal others and maybe just maybe its a secret to converse with our heavenly father but who would ever know if they continue to stay in denial.

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Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours...Very eloquently articulated...

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Ezell-Dazh says:

Yielding a purposeful gift, I imagine writers of the Bible-Qur'an-etc, simularly contemplated their sanity. Yet faithfully persisted, trusting in that voice of the soul. Write on...peace queen

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after vision says:

my true poet, your words are blessings and instructions for life. your heart and beautiful soul is on display

Poetic08' says:

As I cross your gift Queen Nya_Pargo, am reminded of a great writer , you've the goods to grace history a writer and a poet .....keep pushing Queen

LP45 says:

I concur. We're all teachers, yet we're all students just the same. This is a great write Nya, Keep writing.

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