I do not need to rhyme to say what's on my mind
though I find that I seem to do that most of the time
why I don't know it just seems to go with the flow
I don't have to be a contender to throw uppercuts
and a few combinations that seems to go with my
punchy personality and particular occupation
what I'm hoping is there is still time because I have yet to
write my strongest standout line set the caged bird free
I'm hoping there is still time to write my fire next time
I have done my best but have yet to do my best work yet
not be the best because we all have something
to say and shame on those who do not say it
words drop like bombs and pens are moving projectiles
the right word said at the right precise time can
be like stepping on a land mine the mind is one of
the most powerful weapons of all time, more potent
then them all and the most effective tool we were
created to use our minds to think, it through and think
our way out, to think things into existence and think
things out that's what thinking is about self help, do it
your self most of us sit in front of a brain daily tapping
on keys, clicking a mouse, asking google things
without much of a thought that within us is the same
thing in our own database that no robot or machine can
ever replace, now think about that and tap, tap, tap