cliffonedge | Poetry Vibe
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The Perfect Competition (You)



Views: 211
The Perfect Competition in rare form. I looked bored. The competitive spirit I've heard and felt of. Special in its way it can never decay. It can only be repeated. Demonstrated for knowledge and never neglected it's selected as the biggest and baddest thing that stands in your way. Will you jump over the wall of self doubt to embrace the fullness deep in your south? Deep in your loins? Deep in your land? So that then you will never be torn apart again. They say the greatest version of a man self is one he will admit to. So I throw myself to the perfect competition for a breakthrough. Well really a take through of my life up until now and looking into the mirror I know where the greatest victory can be found. In conquering self.

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after vision says:

sounds like a man coming of age my poet

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