cliffonedge | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 3700
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Real Man



Views: 246
Melodic. Timeless. Famous. Spotless. No blemish unless you see the blood smeared on the bones buried under my skin or the system I fight endlessly trying to win. I'm conscience I can breathe but I'm still sometimes blinded to the point I can't see. Info reds on my back I feel the burn of the stares but yet I'm the flare for all my peers. The complete balance is what I seek so I knock constantly trying to tear the door down to make my mother proud and the receiver of my hard work because of her hardwork. Inert never as times goes by I desperately see the jewls when I talk to the sky. Trying so patiently to become a better man. A real man....

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight Piece....Namaste

after vision says:

that is all that we can do my poet is strive to become better than we started out

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