Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 48300
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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The look



Views: 511
There was once a time where I could look into those eyes and see my life time engulfed in love formed around the perimeters of my heart protected by a love built for an unconditional bond withstood through the testament of time and every obstacle, hardship or disruption fell short of penetration of what we had, was nothing short of a godsend. That wasn't now! That was then! I guess I'll keep looking in the mirror at least I can trust myself not to let weakness in!

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LP45 says:

Nice work Royale jones. Short and to the point and powerfully penned. Thank you for sharing.

after vision says:

that ole shame on me thing rings through the heart of life my poet.

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