RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
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Elevation comes from within!

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My City



Views: 1154

In my city it ain't pretty

Heads stay on a constant swivel

Walking through broken glass lots

Hearing gun shots ducking in dirty trash alley ways

Looking at heroin addicts sideways, as they stagger like walking zombies

Young mommies clutching EBT cards to provide substance for bastard kids exiting corner stores

Slamming of doors alarm sounds another car boosted

Pockets looted as gun placed against the dome

Homes behind iron locks and bars tighter than Fort Knox...but no gold inside

Dope boys on the corner hide and scatter like roaches when the boys in blue come on the scene

Black faces mean, as hardened exterior is protection of the day, for weak prey can't survive in these streets

Hearing blaring rap beats as negative lyrics on blast depict how the set is livin

Drivin by hopelessness and despair for many, chances of escaping this concrete jungle is nothing but an illusion

Confusion of not loving self is a dangerous game to play, if you don't make the right move

Young dread heads on the block groove off blount smoke to suppress their current reality

Casualties of war are welcomed when your trapped in these wicked streets

My city


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LP45 says:

Nice! I can definitely relate. I used to live in Camden, NJ years ago and it's been known now as one of if not the most dangerous cities in America. Every line brought back memories. So glad I live been in farm country. Thank you for sharing.

RonnieL says:

@Ladypoet45...the for the read and taking time to comment. I live in "The Lou" better known as St. Louis, and unfortunately the streets are crazy here. Have to survive and keep elevating. Blessings

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Ezell-Dazh says:

@Lady45 I'm from Camden, NJ. Ronnie's words definitely describe the city at its lowest frequency. Great descriptive write Ron. I'm working on music to shift this vibration upward. may we hear good vibes from the systems bumpin' on each corner healing our hoods..peace fam.

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after vision says:

my poet are you the guy on my left or that new guy that just moved in. because you have my home town down packed

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RonnieL says:

@Ezell-Dazh thx for the read and comment fam. Glad your shifting positive vibes with your music fam to feed our souls. We need it, Let me know when you dropping it, love to check it out. Blessings

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RonnieL says:

@after vision thx for the read. Don't think I'm either, but sad commentary that this takes place in our hoods. Keep elevating through your words.
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hymnagen says:

RonnieL you captured the common essence of Everyhood, USA. It's tragic that no matter what part of the country we come from these scenes are familiar. How can that not be by design? #salute2yourtalents

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RonnieL says:

@HYMNAGEN it is tragic indeed. already know. The powers that be have no love for us, thus we have to love ourselves to replace the animalistic actions we display. The for the read and comment, and let's keep radiating light through our words. Blessings

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WarriorCarryingWater says:

Real talk - I got family in STL, born on the South side of Chicago and was raised in napghanistan (Indianapolis) you captured it well. It's artists like you sheding light on this life/issue/feeling that will bring about change - President Elect Trump sure won't...

RonnieL says:, thanks for the kind words felt greatly. We as a people must know and love self for this transitioning of positivity to begin. If you dwell in the bottom, doesn't mean we can't rise to the top. Blessings

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Q.B. says:

Great write, my brother. Reality

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Flora$$$ghostw12 says:

Love this personal and vivid depiction. I love my city.

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RonnieL says:

@Tazalia18....thanks for the kind words. My City is a favorite of mine that I put in my book. Factual account of the inner city of St.Louis.

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