Imagination_733 | Poetry Vibe
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Fight without fear


Views: 416

I fear no man 

He bleeds the way I do

I'm not stepping down from the podium 

Until the hoarseness of my voice

Forces me to  

I stand with a pledge of invisible hands

Raising my fist 

Because I march for myself &

The people who started this

Let me show you how power's created

Power is visibility, demonstrated!


My people,

No need to cower in fear

This is our time

Our moment

Our year


Let's create a movement 

That inspires generations

Leave a mark on this earth

Before it gets taken

Right now it looks as if 

The collateral damage

Is done


Pulled the switch,

Flipping the script 

On everyone

Playing headmaster

There are human lives 

On the line

He's got full access

The audacity to capture

Anyone who questions


He twists words like a master

Manipulating the blind

It's been this way

Since the chem-trails 

Brushed our eyes

We're losing sight

Depending on the government

To fight our fight

They're sneaking in people 

Through the backside 

While fully dressed in suits

These are the same men who make a killing,

At suppressing

The truth!


They just keep on tightening the noose

When you have all the money in the world

I guess you've got nothing to lose


I refuse to let anyone

Or anything

Dampen my spirit 

I have more fight left in me

There's no way they can steal it!

Dez Sevena 


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after vision says:

my poet this is the rally call for all to wake the funk up

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RonnieL says:

Thought provoking piece and inspirational. As a people have to wake up!

LP45 says:

Power to the people! This is a great write and I loved the imagery. Keep writing.

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