Kavindra | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
This latest poem - I am just not sure -the message is sound but it starts a bit odd - ah who am I kidding I am eccentric

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“Shepherd in the dark”



Views: 328



the shadow valley of death

I walk but never alone

the unpleasant dread can linger on


hardships and difficult times

pain and anguish

can break the strongest beast


time is like quick sand

every step seems as if sinking deeper

push on through



frozen in this cage of fear

the mind holds the strongest prison

it is the hardest to escape




seeing the shimmer in the darkness

The spirit of truth

fills you faith

your joy defeats

the shadows

your grace

becomes a blazing light


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mrmelody7 says:

Blazin so much proverbial wisdom scenic as I walked with this write, BTW read your article Dream House a couple of times really good story. I dont deal with the Facebook so I couldnt comment you should post more of your stories you are very good at it

Ezell-Dazh says:

Reminding Us of who we are..Thank U for sharing this encouraging jewel

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after vision says:

this is the change that you need for life to shine it's light my poet

Kavindra says:

thank you so much Mrmelody7 that is very encouraging Thank you Ezell-Dazh after vision -you always enlighten me thanks guys encouragement breeds encouragement

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LP45 says:

Great inspiration Kavindra. Thanks for sharing.

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