LP45 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 206000
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lightness in the dark
Hey there my fellow poets! Blessings and greetings to you all for a prosperous new year. Life has been pretty rough for me since I last posted but nonetheless, as always with God's mercy and grace I've persevered. I'm finally at a point where I can start posting again. I so miss being on here and reading everyone's works. I hope that everything is going well for everyone. Let's keep the inklove flowing!

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Views: 806

Been knocked down
But never put out.
Been lied to, cursed at
Even talked about.
Had a few pick-me-ups and
A couple of dust-me-offs
Serpents trying to slime me
With materialistic pay offs.
Obstacles laid in my paths
Like bear traps in the woods,
By foes and those
Who only wished to know they could
See what I see, go where I go,
Proclaiming sister and brotherhood
Just to see what I know.
Nonetheless, I persevere over time
And continue on with the race,
Tears roll down my cheeks
To clean the dirt off my face.
Channeling my anger wisely
Keeping things Arctic cool
Leveling the playing field with prayer
My momma didn't raise no fool!
This is how life's been for me
Over the years,
Nothing much scares me,
Only God I fear.
Shoulders and elbows at times
May get a little dusty
When an older mindset
Makes me a little rusty.
But after some contemplation,
I can see that shining light
My visions like premonitions
Give me a new insight.
Of what is to come
Or what possibly could be,
Because there's more to just
Opening your eyes in order to see.
When we stop thinking
With programmed mentalities,
Accepting what they feed us
And taking part in syndromed formalities,
People and things begin to change,
You adjust accordingly
As life is rearranged.
You can go anywhere in life
Be what you want to be,
But won't get very far
If your mind ain't free.
So from one who is learning how
To anyone I can reach,
Know that there's more to us and life
If as we learn, we teach.
To be continued....


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Nya_Pargo says:

Yessss 😇

LP45 says:

Thank you Nya_Pargo for your support.

Nya_Pargo says:


Lyricalarsonist says:

Nice!!!! Poetry is the door that stands between what feel and what we experience. I love when poets pour their feelings into a poem... Whether it is their own or another. GREAT POEM!!!

mrmelody7 says:

Inspire the masses Ladypoet45, maze of life always there, transitions all through life until that final one to that higher or lower plan wonderful descriptive words

RonnieL says:

Dope piece...many shining meanings in this piece. Love the line...When we stop thinking with programmed mentalities. Spotlight!

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xclusive says:

This was a great poem. Felt the message in every stanza. Keep the ink flowing

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after vision says:

my poet, you have written the journey of the wise with this piece and for that I thank you

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

It was a blessing to log on and read this first. Made my day a lil brighter. Thanks for this, Ladypoet45
Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:


LP45 says:

Thank you lyricalarsonist for your support, I've always loved writing and making a difference wherever I can.

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LP45 says:

Thank you mrmelody. I'm just doing my best to do my part while we're here.

LP45 says:

Thank you also RonnieL, xclusive, aftervision, coalhouse and hymnagen. I appreciate all of you kind words and support. And hymnagen I'm glad I was able to brighten your day. I write to inspire because it inspires me to write. I'm humbled to be in a world of talented artists. Blessed writings everyone!

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mrmelody7 says:

sI hear you Ladypoet45 I have a poem along the same lines I did about seven years ago I never date stuff got note books full of poems going back years I may post that one next month sometime

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LP45 says:

Great! I look forward to reading it.

mrmelody7 says:

OK its titled Meditating Of A Higher Calling

love_supreme says:

This poem is devastating. Excellent write!

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LP45 says:

Thank you latin lover. I appreciate the support

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

FAN-TASTIC penning.....a new favorite.....Write On Ladypoet45...with the tight savoir faire!!! ONE

diamondtamarac says:

I love this, truly a masterpiece

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LP45 says:

Thank you 2B, for your kind words and support. It's mast greatly appreciated my friend. (Smiles)

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LP45 says:

Thank you also diamontamarac, i enjoy reading your works as well. Thanks for the support.
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:


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LP45 says:

Thanks wizedom for your support.

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Miss_chaniel says:

Excellent queen 🙌🏼

LP45 says:

Thanks miss_chaniel for your support.
Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Outstanding! everything boils down to change and how we deal with it.

LP45 says:

Yes nosajm, this is true.

Ezell-Dazh says:

💯 Thanks for sharing this positive vibe

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LP45 says:

You're very welcome Ezell, thank you for your support.
Contest Winner  

amin901 says:

Nicelyspoken.I realyenjoy

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LP45 says:

Thanks Amin, glad you liked it. Thanks again for the support. It means a lot.

Blessme520 says:

Awesome timely read for me. Thanks for sharing.

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LP45 says:

You're very welcome blessme520, I appreciate the support.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes Ms Ladypoet45! I know your eyes are watching God! And God is watching through you. You are indeed a great inspiration! Peace and Love. May The Most High God continue to be with and bless you. Mlowe5

minayaJ says:

Beautifully written....Talent is everywhere...and everywhere there is talent. Enjoy your holidays

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LP45 says:

Thank you minayaj, I appreciate you comments.

LP45 says:

*your. typo

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love_supreme says:

I had to reread this one. Loved it!

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LP45 says:

Thank you mlowe5 for your support it is much appreciated.

LP45 says:

Thank you latin lover for your support as well.

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Sho85 says:

Great poem as well. Inspiration poem with a variety for every reader. I have experienced those dust me off lessons too. I like your use of words.

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LP45 says:

Thank you Sho85 for your kind words and support. Writing is my passion.

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