2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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Going Anti-Homogeny


just different

Views: 506

Everyday  ain’t  the  same,  cuz….

Yesterday  it  reigned…..thru

While  Today  I  Shine  with  De- fame


Saving  feces  to  please  me

Leaves  me  queasy  and   uneasy

Bring  it  new  but  don’t  rep  The  Who  Was

They  clash  like  a  organ  accompanied  by  a  piano


Just  cuz  its   dummy  down,  don’t  mean  it  sound  proper

What  used  to  be  Pop  Locking  is  now  passed  for  Hip-Hop-ping

Do  Tell  and  ya  Don’t  Stop  Infecting  minds  homogenously


Origins  are  swept  and   bought  and  sold  for  credit

Not  releasing  until  rates  of  demands  are  ever  increasing

Doing  it  for  the  love,  but  using  a  glove  to  protect  from  catching  on


Rubs  of  salt  and  pepper,  masquerading  as  a  seasoning

When  really  reppin’  preservatives, by  reusing  catch  phrase  superlatives

Thrown  back  to  stages  of  airtime  and  screen  play  in  couture


With  the  nerve  to  quote  the  saying  of  “Keeping  It  Real”

Oh  really,  hardly  ever, ever,  ever  never  having  seen  a  triple  beam

Weight  is  in  gravity  reacting  in   bringing  down  trousers ….and  trade towers



Save  me  from  the  audacity  and   voracity  in  lengths  lying  propensity

Fencing  me  in  to  hole  of  an  overused  clitoris  exposed  and  swollen

My  art  is  being  stolen  and  reinvented  and  converted  into  commercials

Mimic  is  a  gimmick  to  gimmee  money,  funny  how  now  we  speak  of  cash  cows

Changing   the  currency,  all  on  the  account  of  my  peeps’   survivalist  fluency


Excel  I  will,  well,  while  singing  about ….coming  around  the  corner….yes  I  can

Kill  to  defend  for  my  right  to  fight  and  party  like  a  rock  star,  without  a  band

I  plan  on  sipping  wine  from  my  own  seller,  no  need  to  purchase  overpriced  spirits

Hype  exists  in  the  words  performed  by  a  poetic  piece  ignited   at  traffic  lights

Calling  him  a  jacker,  but  he  is  really  a  producer,  off  shyt  I  use  ta   own


That  shyt  is  wack,  like  a  bowel  irregularity….

No  parameters,  but  the  reason  to  hijack  the   genre  is  to  maintain  parity

But  you  can’t  see,   as  you   troop  through  Wal-Mart  doors  in  search  of  product

No  Blood,   No  Sweat,  No  Fears  in  blending  into  a  getting  stranger  World’s  Collective


Don’t  check  this,  for  accuracy,  cuz  I  got  this  copyright  when  I  wrote  this

Rate  or  Harlem  Shake  this,  Some  Will  Hate  this  while  others  head  scratch….

Smart  heads  will  catch  innuendos,  while  slow  heads  will  yawn…..I  write  to  ring  alarms

Whether  bombs  obliterate  or  just  stun….my  writes  are  meant  to  annihilate….homogeny!!






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diamondtamarac says:

I love this! favorite lines " Save  me  from  the  audacity  and   voracity  in  lengths  lying  propensity Fencing  me  in  to  hole  of  an  overused  clitoris  exposed  and  swollen My  art  is  being  stolen  and  reinvented  and  converted  into  commercials"

LP45 says:

Great work 2B, you've definitely nailed it here. I appreciate you sharing this.

love_supreme says:

Excellent write

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