Nicky1 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 15600
contest winner
lightness in the dark
blessed --:)

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You will Shine


Views: 327

You will shine
The face of your counteance is for your people
I am helped when I'm in need of you
I stand in awe of your forgiveness
I am opened by your mercies.
My mind thinks on your righteousness
I am glad because I can live within you
You will hide me 
Where there is safety and peace forevermore.
I'm leaning on your strong right arm
The intelligence of the soul you mark with your beauty
You are known by those who love you
Those who adore your words and love your character
Resting in you I can be in your beauty
where it never fades 
but moment by moment turning into everlasting grace and eternal life.


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Very beautiful inspiring words.

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nicky1 says:

Blessings thank you <3

LP45 says:

Great write nicky1. Bra On! Welcome to the vibe.

LP45 says:

please forgive the typo. It should say bravo. #dangautocorrect #sosorry

RonnieL says:

Excellent write!

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nicky1 says:

God bless!
Contest Winner  

amin901 says:

Very nice beloved

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