Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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As the usurpant lurking serpent dances
For having caused my once burning circumstances
I realize that being an urban merchant
That there are only certain chances
And for certain its curtains 
For the disturbance that their service enhances
Not merely persons with turbans, 'cause I'm overly observant
That the biggest serpent, IN THE White House dances
And on purpose, I'm earnest and fervent with my proactive lances
That they even coerced this person to become under the surface 
And disperse as a no longer nervous emerging Mantis
It should be easy to interpret these verses without a servants glasses
Because I've been on an upward learning curve 
While swerving and internet surfing
Yet burping multiple verses of vermin divergent so urgent
And I contend and sought for chances through romances
But my advances were quite disadvantaged
'Cause my phalanges, were quite expansive
And now I'm granted plenty more finances
Thus this once hurting person, simply giggles and now just dances
And now my wordy cursive 
Berserk verses of service exert hypnotic trances

As life now chose to no longer be froze as it unfolds
Now take a moment to hold it and could you imagine?
Or even fathom the fanatical phantoms
Of sporadic & random homelessness
Feeling emotionless
Walking MOTIONless
No commotion in my minds ocean
And I choked when I had spoken bliss
But something inside came alive, and it had awoken THIS!
So now my third optic was unlocked quick
Now I hock and drop spit with A LOT wit
And now even in multi-versed verses 
I burp & vomit supersonic comets
Burning optics as I pursue & peruse crews with discerning Coptic
Thus my once anguished language was vanquished
Now I hang with, Monadic NOT nomadic bandwidths
Hence my hierophantic semantics & hieroglyphic linguistics
Uplift spirits specific, across the Atlantean Pacific
So this sagacious mythical mystic is prosaically prolific
My maniacal physics is vivid and got me livid
Living in this global clinic of gimmicks
I see and hear their limit when I listen to lyrics of their written
But to be honest, I honestly see 
No talent obviously to their spirit so wicked
I can no longer even listen for a minute
Because THEY became inane statistics
I would rather word lather and liquefy mentalities 
Actually with my tactful factual actuality
Because I'm strategic & tactical 
In my ballistic linguistics mathematically scientific

I've become more than a Giant Nephilim 
Now a lying lion but a Titan NOT striving or surviving 
Seeking for likes, comments or kisses
Most of my work is dismissed and disregarded 
Until my garden bears fruit for the brokenhearted
I could care less, so I no longer stress but invest 
In more perfectly being able to express
What I love - NOT detest - Unless it’s the ignoble folk & foes
That have had me opposed 
Since I was merely nearly a polemic prose
Not even a full thought expressed in my parents at best
I WASN'T supposed to, be incarnated or composed too
But I entered the planet of granite & havoc to take advantage
Of what others take for granted or have disbanded
Because as an entity of prosody I KNEW that I could possibly
Breach then teach many broken or Old Soul choking psychologies
And so as I aged as an oddity on an odyssey 
To concoct and drop homilies of camaraderie
I simply grew to have flown, thus I flew over them and you
Now I seek reciprocity
Yet all I hear, see and feel is animosity on this earths topography 
Across all its beautiful dutiful geography

And when truth is spewed I hear silence with crickets
But I'm here to push your limit as a monolithic critic
Simple rule - NOW this is a jewel so drool
You must ONLY expect of the world
What you yourself are willing and able to exhibit
So don’t be parasitic, but an obvious optimist realistic
And though this written script
Is envisioned & scripted by a pseudonym
That doesn’t mean that the message is pseudo-scientific
So invent and mold your dream then begin to live it, so don’t be livid!


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mrmelody7 says:

Enjoy your lyrical verse

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