catmartan | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 440

chalk traced images

surrounded by blood spills 

covering concrete like roadkill 

another and then another 

afraid to pull back the cover 

repeat and repeat again 

extraterrestrial beings hovering 

hands releasing balloons with purple strings

scrambling for justice and peace 

holding on to memories 

pouring booze on the wreath 

holding back teardrops 

searching for a solution 

rearranging emotions 

trying not to start confusion 

minding my own 

screaming inside with a silent tone 

momentarily needs to be left alone 

until the pain is all gone 

things always seem better 

at the break of dawn 

I knew how to chase the wind 

never knew how to face the storm 

but I'm cool , calm and collect 

nothing left for me to do 

but pay my last respect



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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Always a gem...much respect.

poems by this commentor


LP45 says:

Nice! Very nice catmartan! Love the flow. Thank you for sharing.

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