minayaJ | Poetry Vibe
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Not even



Views: 302

This shouldn't be about romance

It should be about when is  the final chance

The one I do not think of when we dance

Where people in the room separate themselves from us

Not knowing of our hidden secrets and mistrust

Where did our love go?

The pain just grows and the heart feels like it's about to blow

But this is one very sad show

Tears want to escape from this equally

But they can not flow so easily

Daily the pain grows with great frequency

What have you done to me?

Where I put myself aside only you

What happened to my life

I need to sit down and do a review

It hurts but I know you do not care

Everynight I shut my eyes I say a prayer

Hoping life guides me 

Eliminates what is not for me

The pain is more than a ton

Feelings from you there are none



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