minayaJ | Poetry Vibe
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Written Thoughts.

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Views: 306

Let me step back a moment and not even sit down

Get my facts straight so I do not have this meltdown

Your mouth goes off like kids taking over a playground

You start to complain it feels like a panic attack

Like a volcano erupting with no sense to fight back

Spewing words like ashes and lava

Have my body transmitted in for trauma

No one can save me from you not even my momma

Go grab a mirror and see your reflection


Have that connection

Where I can disappear and run another direction

No more verbal abuse will I permit

Constantly hear you say I am unfit

Or keep smiling in your face like a hypocrite

Not even if I try to speak to you in Spanish

Will you shut up and let me do some damage

Rather just let you think that I am listening

Laugh it off like your tickling

All your words in my mind I'm dribbling

Start taking notes there is no scribbling




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after vision says:

a lot of life passing through

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Ezell-Dazh says:

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." WC

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