tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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"Heartbreak Hotel"


first love

Views: 355

Heartbreaks come and go like the Earth’s windflow

where the shattered heart lands no one knows

will it ever get repaired?

the question goes unanswered

lonely minds lost souls rebounding into a new relationship is a no no

promises of a new love a new story is in the sight of a new woman and man

a wedding band is the woman happy ending

,but the man doesn’t see the wedding in his plans

a getaway to an elegant hotel is what the woman thinks is what will set her lost emotions relaxed

so she books a room 216 is where her and her and her spouse luggage arrives

unlock the door drop her coat lay on the bed in a romantic moment her and her spouse have a intimate moment then sleep is what the woman did

well- rested next day

a note lay on the couch it read

“Dear Sasha,

I don’t love you

sorry to make it feel like I did

,but it was never true you and I knew

you was good that night ,but now I’m through”



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after vision says:

I love the path taken and shown on this my poet

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tiffanyr says:

Contest Winner  

amin901 says:

Very nice

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tiffanyr says:

Thanks amin901

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