WhiteThePoet | Poetry Vibe
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Been missing in action poetry fam- so hello to everyone! Can you please go check out my poems on YouTube? Poetry w/ music. A must hear - here's the links https://youtu.be/K5PQXyR2ouU

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She's Pretty Ugly



Views: 406

Damn I thought you were all that 
Pretty face, nice smile & yowas so fat 

I had become mesmerized by images of pure satisfaction.
A satisfaction that surely became my daily distraction

Hook, line & sink 
I was caught up in a visual that made me feel weak.
A beauty that lies in the eyes of the beholder & baby you projected a beauty that made every God fearing man manifest the thoughts of "damn I want her." 

That was up until the photos had come to life 
That moment when you opened your mouth and I knew then that this beauty wasn't  right. 

For it was your exterior that had exemplified a beautiful unlike no other but internally is where you hid a ugly that I would soon come to discover. 

Your attitude was foul much like the unwarranted defile that would come from mouth. 
A unattractive style that would speak volumes by muting the picture that you posted as a profile. 

See there's no real man that would desire to make you his queen however you'll find discussion in the talks of "Yea that's just my one thing." 

See "my one thing" is just the title for the untitled in a man's life 
You know far opposite from the types that a man would make his wife. 

Just a woman of the night, the distasteful type, The type that can only offer a sweetness when her legs are spread upright. 

How bitter sweet  it is that something so beautiful could turn out to be so ugly from deep with-in. 

See beauty ages and becomes replaced by time & what once was will one day become hard to find 
Therefore my ladies be mindful not to base all your beauty on image alone but practice placing it in places that will carry it from start to finish and to places where us men call home. 


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