A boy has a dream of flying deep into the night's sky
Always dreamt of wanting to spreading his arms like wings
Everynight he gives it a try
He looks out into the world, takes a deep breath on how to begin
Looking out into the city's lights, he puts up his chin
Making sure no one is watching him
He leaps off like a diver about to swim
As he jumps off, he starts to think of what people will say
When they see him the next day
About the courage he had taken for flying
He will have that answer for them that he kept trying
As breaking news is broadcast in the distance
His mother needs a chair to sit down with assistance
She wept watching the news as tears began to collide
No one had an answer for her questions to provide
This dream a boy had of flying each night has just died
While people gathered at his home by his mother's bedside