love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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I Can Tell



Views: 394

I can tell when Im tired, the flow aint right and Im fighting for the words but I never lost step with my mission. I was meant to bring urban poetry to the world or at least my section of it. 

You can pour as much negativity into the world as you want and Im still fighting back. Im shooting words as I advance, my stance is authority and I earned it. 

The world tried to see the death of me but I pushed back, pushed forward, and then pushed the world. 

I am better for it because I look in the mirror and I can tell.

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JustOneStoryTeller says:

I like this keep fighting the struggle is real but can be achieved the things we desire. I know the feeling funny how poetry blues will get you lol

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LP45 says:

Dig this write latin lover! Never stop fighting. You're definitely making an impact in the poetry world. Thank you for sharing this.

QueenPB says:

You are gifted and you should share your gift never stop.

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