m.n.i.w | Poetry Vibe
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Like Spilled Red Wine



Views: 236

There's a history of blood on crosses. The gallons 

of blood shed on the intersections of King Ave. 

and Malcolm X Ave. Every ounce a mockery 

of the names sacrificed to violence. Or rather crucified by it. 

The countless young men 

and women caught up in juvenile mentalities 

think Scarface died on the cross. 

& I'm not religious, but it's a wicked vision. 

They internalize 

banana clips more than the world externalizes the ape they are falsely portrayed as. They read 

asinine rap lyrics like holy scriptures and preach 

those words through their ignorance of self. 

They baptize themselves in cognacs & blood 

until they are drunken and blind by the vain of sin. 

& the misconstrued truths in the poetry of death. 

Because there is truly nothing more Shakespearean than bloodshed, death and deceit, 

especially on a Summer's day. They think 

the world is all bandos and amphetamines. Drugged 

up on the realities of abandonment. They've abandoned each other. 

Forced to live in worlds where you prove you ain't a  

or end up in obituaries.

The world has seen 

these men and women as corpses since infancy. 

& they know the cotton their ancestors 

picked was just the foundation 

for the interior of their final resting beds. 

It has become routine to make their final homes a coffin 

before they even know of a real life. 

Before knowing the colors of the rainbow 

that extend beyond adolescence, the vision of seeing a seed grow 

rather than seeing it buried in soil, and the feeling of real love or knowing any definition of it.

What is a world 

where humanity is loss within human context? Human and beast 

have become synonymous. It is safe 

to say they have always been. Them all abandoned 

by human dignity and humanity. The turmoil slick, they've slipped 

and slid, abandoning themselves. They've propped 

the ropes around their own necks and impatiently wait for the noose knots to be tied. 

& a person of their own pigment will elevate 

their bodies until light fades to the blackness of 365 coffins. Night 

is revealed by the day and for each, a body will lay. 

Stilled by the stillness of silence & the stillness of change. 

Their final portrait potrayed by chalk outlines, 

and a river of their blood, sweat and family's tears. A life denoted 

by tragedy and celebration is all there is. But the true 

tragedy lies within the celebration of their death. The magnitude 

doesn't equate to crushed ivory. Their spirit blackened 

to a soul's hell. Time will only tell 

until I perspire under the scintillating flames. Scorched 

by the inescapable fate of inked blood and blackness. 

My short story only to be a landmark in the necessity for change. 

Or maybe just another tear for the ocean, a reason for the

smile upon the lips of Mephistopheles, 

& simply another worthless soul 

chained to the life we've adopted. 


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kharisma says:

Love the words very in depth, and the title made me want to indulge in the contents.

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