Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 49100
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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A fan of your staring role



Views: 406
I've lseen what you try to hide in your heart distant traveler who could illuminate the dark and down a path from your mind to that spark that settles in you eye's as your thoughts tear apart lost in many ways, waves crush against rocks oceans of devotion couldn't tell good bye's or hello's apart. where up's meet down's characteristics of a victim play's the part symptoms of a sickness becomes the heart your everything you've said you were mind of matter the truths never the start, it's the ending when winning loses it's vengeance of remarks lies seem true when they come from You giving them a emotional part movies are not real life is a everlasting role to play so to I'll say watch what you cast in your heart! That role may not be perfect for you to play! For every role you take on you lose a little of yourself until you become someone else how would that make yoy happy.

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