Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
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lightness in the dark

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The cost


just different

Views: 463
The cost Entangled in you giving myself less room to breathe to afraid of the thoughts of being alone my life much like a penny thrown on the sidewalk many look all still to past by without giving a second look the true feeling of my value my heart lying open as far as the sky's venue, do I never get a chance to swim amongst the stars fall as a single drop of rain so different the feeling of subtle pain to the point you can never touch the hurt, maybe this is to be my birth right! I've been hiding in plain sights hoping to catch a glance. do I truly exist am I not made of matter? so why can I not be seen for who I am! I am yet but a rose who's lost petals awaiting a loving hand to pick me away from the rotting of this old soil and be pruned of my roughness built on by life's surroundings and placed upon a table to bring someone's life a simple joy.

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