If we all would think
If we all knew the truth
We all would drink
There would be no coping
Without doping
We all would be, dope fiends
Not being to handle the truth
Not being able handle the
Full proof feeling as though
We all have been duped
All the long eaten sh*t by the scoop
Vitim’s of power tripping
Depositing energy into
Blood banks owned by the enemy
Just, think, it’s just too late
To drape yourself in a cape
Suddenly evolving into a
Super hero, after being dropped
Down from a million to a zero
What if we found out one day
that we never had a chance
alarming to know as though
we have not been cheated
again and again, if in fact
we continue to lose to those
who deal tretcherously in dishonesty
tell me, how can we ever win
I believe in God
I do not believe in a white Knight
I believe in prophecy
I do not believe in Calvary
As long as I am not driving a car
I do believe in having a full bar