minayaJ | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 355

Yea I know I been M.I.A Poetryvibe

But this where the mind comes at piece

That is why I subscribed

But life throws curve balls when least expected

Got problems emerging for all sides

Nothing is ever perfected

It takes two to make a thing go right!

Rob Bass once quoted

The headache on my mind just got promoted

See I got this new problem that surfaced

Deals with my landlord and his new conflict

Think he has smoked too much of what he has dipped

Says I owe him 9K, he sounds like an addict

From where, he is lying

Documents I have proving he is trying

See life can seem amazing one day and one bad flip

Will have take a sip from that dip and even go as far as strip

Well this man thought he had it all together

Judge me on getting my life smelling like brand new leather

Ahhhhh the scent

Of all the money he spent 

....and feels that ugly dent

Now he is accusing me of not paying rent

Court letter in the mail 

I must attend this event

So help me GOD I'm going crazy

How can he do this to me my child and my lady

Got that a day before Christmas

Need my poetryvibe family to be my number one witness

False claims he produced sounds like an illness

My knees feel like jello

Dont know why I am so nervous of this lying fellow

Just pray the day I show my face in court

All the angels come together and show support

With all my documents in my briefcase

Ill keep you all updated of this showcase

To be continued family

I sit in the lonely staircase





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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

IMust say, you do not sit alone, we are all crowded on that staircase with you. I can only get better with time. Keep writing it all down, in time it will be well worth it. Look forward to a happy and prosperous New Year. Remember, There is no journey where there is no burning!

minayaJ says:

I shake your hand Wize Dom :..(

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LP45 says:

MiniyaJ, I can definitely relate to this and have on more than one occasion. Some landlords do things because they think they can get away with it. Depending on the issues/accusations, pictures never lie. And I agree with wizedom, keep writing it down because cooler heads will always prevail. Depending on where you're from, check your state's landlord/tenant laws. Here in NJ the courts are more for the tenant than the landlord in most cases. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Namaste.

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