Yea I know I been M.I.A Poetryvibe
But this where the mind comes at piece
That is why I subscribed
But life throws curve balls when least expected
Got problems emerging for all sides
Nothing is ever perfected
It takes two to make a thing go right!
Rob Bass once quoted
The headache on my mind just got promoted
See I got this new problem that surfaced
Deals with my landlord and his new conflict
Think he has smoked too much of what he has dipped
Says I owe him 9K, he sounds like an addict
From where, he is lying
Documents I have proving he is trying
See life can seem amazing one day and one bad flip
Will have take a sip from that dip and even go as far as strip
Well this man thought he had it all together
Judge me on getting my life smelling like brand new leather
Ahhhhh the scent
Of all the money he spent
....and feels that ugly dent
Now he is accusing me of not paying rent
Court letter in the mail
I must attend this event
So help me GOD I'm going crazy
How can he do this to me my child and my lady
Got that a day before Christmas
Need my poetryvibe family to be my number one witness
False claims he produced sounds like an illness
My knees feel like jello
Dont know why I am so nervous of this lying fellow
Just pray the day I show my face in court
All the angels come together and show support
With all my documents in my briefcase
Ill keep you all updated of this showcase
To be continued family
I sit in the lonely staircase