A Sunset calls forth your name
the beauty that is resembled in love
speaks to the hearts and souls of many.
Rich and pure is the magnitude of your heart
It is seen throughout all creatures and creation
In our discouraging moments and despair you lead us into the wonder of your kingdom
You are forever alive throbbing with life in us
All around we fall helpless and we reveal your splendor
Your help brings the words that cannot exist
Your peace gives us grace to live over and over again.
New trials and pain we meet each moment
but your right by our side as we take in your life.
On moments when we are lonely and no one is found
We see ourselves in you as a friend who knows no bounds
We are not limited by your care and ultimate protection
It is around us always and we experience its expressions.
There is no one like you
Only you
with us
God with us
for all