SYQ222 | Poetry Vibe
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A Day of Cease


Views: 365

To end segregation on Sunday, we should worship on Capitol Hill. The top is the goal for most men and within the walls of the Capitol, lies a man’s blood sacrifices and a recorded copy of the life challenges that he prayed for or prayed against.  The Christian’s temperament would have to be tamed when his brother speaks in Allah’s name and the Muslim brother’s customs would definitely require that he also do the same.  Capitol Hill is simply the only sacred place that the unbeliever seems to admire, we may be able to sway his skepticism, if we can reveal to him, God’s true nature. The lobbyist would only lobby for peace, our patriotism would befit our newfound convictions.  Our ears would comprehend the gift of speaking in tongues so our heart would speak only as one. Because the temples of worship that our wealth has manufactured has conquered our principals and divided good intentions.   Let Capitol Hill be the temple of God’s will since it’s the place were commandments are created.  And let Sunday be a Day of Cease so we can finally all be at peace.

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