j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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Desperate message never sent to Kim jong-un.


just different

Views: 239

Oh please for the sake (and sock e) 
of brethren deemed friendly, i be
see-ch ye with genuine humility 
to desist launching nuclear missiles. 
This American bloke put his lock, 
stock and barrel of gunmetal faith 
in mister Dennis Rodman to serve 
as a figurative lightning rod against 
any aggressive actions that would 
set in motion the end of civilization. 
Not only would the majority of homo 
sapiens (yes, some clusters of earth-
linked yahoos might still remain a 
live) suffer a nasty, short and brutish 
death, but also other flora and fauna 
could be equally annihilated. Under
stand able, those grievances against 
sanctions against the populace of north 
Koreans (who most likely experience 
unfair hardship) fuels resentment against 
the hegemony of western powers. Many 
of these societies authoritatively bran
dish their devout pledge for concurrence 
with democratic principles. Any endemic 
protestations declaiming objection to 
the American way affect an immediate 
alarm. Imposition of so called "puppet" 
regimes get forcibly installed those 
countries leaders who run counter to 
capitalistic productivity. This one 
a muss citizen of those fifty states also 
takes umbrage how might of american 
to predominate and demand that other 
nations follow suit solely based on what 
agrees with those like minded in power 
sans the brotherhood/sisterhood of vast 
swaths of the global population. No 
great expectations (by ens) to affect 
passionate sentiments per those pea
poles somewhat hermetically sealed 
off and separated (viz - by the demilitarized 
zone) from the billions of other human 
beings. Thy sole missive from one older 
mwm dreads locked linkedin catastrophic 
chain reaction of events once atomic war
fare triggered by the disgruntlement over 
some differences in outlook could possibly 
resolved via "active listening" and access 
to exchange a word of reconciliation. As 
one flawed chap prone to his own bouts 
of anger, he attests that more positive plea
sing results can prevails with the treat of 
world war three diffused in a manner that 
plays less havoc once unleashing of weapons 
of mass destruction occurs!

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