poetunleashed | Poetry Vibe
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Goodbye, now everlasting



Views: 346

If pictures could speak a thousand words

Then the image of you laying in your coffin

Lifeless, whose soul has left its vessel

That image of you which is now

Forever embedded in mind

Speaks volumes more than any picture could

It like a spade has dug so deep

That is has touched my core

its touch has released all the pain stored there


I tried to stop the tears from flowing

But moments of life coursing through your veins

Rushed to mind like a speeding train

And the flood gates were opened

Though cries were not heard

Tears were seen as my broken heart bled

I curse the day you departed from us

Left us with tears and broken hearts

Which can’t seem to heal


If eyes are the windows to the soul

Your windows are permanently shut now

No light, not love can escape from them

You left us wishing for peep holes

To gaze at your loving soul once more

So that we may find peace in the thought

That we’ve said goodbye for eternity

Goodbye, now everlasting 

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SYQ222 says:

That is a treasure. Love it

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poetunleashed says:

SYQ222 thank you for your comment i am humbled

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Contest Winner  

Corey says:

Hi Poetunleashed, I've been absence a bit. Its good to read your art again. To say goodbye to the physical is most difficult, but the memory is a gift that'll never part. A very heartfelt piece. Well written!

poetunleashed says:

Corey thank you... welcome back looking forward to reading some of your work from your sabbatical

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