WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 172900
contest winner 5
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Views: 343

Suppose you wrote a poem,
And entered an online competition,
Read all the rules and diligently listened,
Electronically submitted your works, 
Then immediately get a reply, it kind of hurts,
'We enjoyed your poem, but it's not quite what our readers are looking for,'
It never is... maybe I shouldn't do this no more,
Too different, too black, too truthful, is that some kind of rap?
I'm not seeking validation from mass media on a grand scale,
Rather than whisper sometimes an artist just needs to yell,
From the biggest soap box or largest platform,
Misunderstood, will never know if its loved or scorned,
I get tickets for admission, but 'the establishment' won't let me perform.

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SYQ222 says:

Omg!!!! On point!!!!! Love that!!!

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Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Thanks SYQ222!

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