POETICJUSTICE107 | Poetry Vibe
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Am I Wrong


just different

Views: 311

 Am I wrong for how I feel about the situation?
I mean I believe it’s understandable how I feel…
Feeling hurt beyond all means, dealing with the pain of a broken heart, and then you wanting to still speak to me of all THINGS!

Am I wrong for how I speak to you now?
With such dullness, sarcasm, and without a kiss
Calling you by your first name, not saying I love you with enthusiasm, and speaking my mind as I wish…
Tell me honestly Am I Wrong?

Am I wrong for all that I’ve done?
Be there to support, encourage, restore, and to wipe your tears away
Was I wrong for being the good man that I am?
Being faithful, honest, caring, and mature…
It may be that I was just wrong about everything
Can you answer these questions that constantly go through my mind day to day?

Am I wrong for believing that there is another?
Seeing as this situation came completely by surprise; as if It was a party being thrown I knew nothing about
You don’t have to answer because I know you would never be honest with me about it anyway…
But to be honest I do wonder about it from time to time
True or False I have no choice but to deal with it I guess, but it does hurt that you’re no longer mine

Was it that wrong for keeping a promise or falling for you like I did?
I mean was it something that I said or maybe it was something that I did…
I mean I thought for us to be blessed to have found each other but that may have been my mistake; I THOUGHT…
Whatever the case may be; I think I’ve come to know the solution and answer to my very own question…
Am I wrong for all that I’ve done? My answer is…

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