Lovelylady1 | Poetry Vibe
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A Womanless Man



Views: 919

Hey Ex-Lover,

I have something to say to you but I don’t know where to start.

I’m seeing life much differently…the condition of my heart.

Your actions told of another woman, I’ll give you credit, you didn’t lie.

I was wondering was it a lack of concern or respect for me, the reason

you didn’t even try?

All my love I gave to you but she always came first and I was last.

You knew she had other men, still you treated her like diamonds, me?… you treated like glass.

Its time I moved on, I’ve taken all that I can. You claim to be done

with her, you choose me.  Now, here you are… A Womanless Man.

You say I mean something to you…without me what will you do?

My new lover says I’m not his something, I’m his everything and…

He treats me like diamonds too.

Sheryn aka LL1

January 2017


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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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SYQ222 says:

Beautiful Ms Lady!!!!

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Contest Winner  

lovelylady1 says:

latin_lover and syq22, thank you for reading and the encouragement!

social seer says:

Smooth and to the point, my reigning queen!

unspokinsoul says:

It most certainly hit home...🖒💓


reesiecupp says:

Very Good!!

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Contest Winner  

lovelylady1 says:

My dear social seer, as always, so kind. thank you my king. unspokinsoul, real talk never ventures away from home - thank you for standing with me! reeslecupp - thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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