So tonight I spoke to an old friend
Not old in age but someone I grew up and would defend
Only defend because she called skinny names
The ones that would make her cry as bullies aimed
Well now all that time has passed and she has a family
Where she has done well for herself and not claimed bankruptcy
See people the struggle is real out there
Everytime I speak to her she speaks deep and ends a sentence with a prayer
Now I am not lying
Not a long prayer let me start clarifyling
But talks deep about what she truly feels
Praises the MAN upstairs for her family's nightly meals
But tonight I sense something different in her tone
She met this new guy ...I should've known
You would be happy for a friend that told you she fiinally found true love, RIGHT?
Well in this case something just doesn't seem right and when I spoke back my tongue I had to bite
Believe me I am not hating
But this new guy she is dating
Sounds like some guy we should sit down and start debating
Something in my gut says he is not right for her
My mind doesn't quite feel the need to concur
How do I tell her how I feel
If at the end of our 2 hour conversation she wanted to know if I thought it was real
Then quickly hangs up and says, "how's your relationship going"
I seemed confused
I couldn't get a sentence or two in, I felt misused
I'll refuse to tell her my exact thoughts on this new guy
Do you guys consider me a true friend or am I that friend that just stands by.
Tonight has left me dumbfounded
My mind feels like it's been pounded