it's been about a year and some pocket change since i've seen your face and i admit, it's been a minute since i've felt this feeling..
i'm not sure how to act. i remember you hurting me but seeing you made me happy. i'm glad that we can finally put our past on the side tracks but it already feels like i'm back tracking..starting to want that old thing back.
i guess all of this distance between us made me miss the love between us.
just getting nervous but i'm not sure why..
conversations on catching up while still giving me the side eye, like i know what's up.
what's f*cked up is that we could have been but you weren't ready for me until you lost me.
and now that i'm sitting here in front of you, the only thing that i want to do is kiss and hold you. tell you how much i've missed you and do all the things we used to do.
i start to get a hot flash while back tracking on wanting that old thing back.
damn..i gotta get that old thing back.