He gets the feeling that he doesn’t belong in this world in his eyes the world itself is one big lie, contradiction an illusion if you will in fact the only things he considers to be real is the pain and hurt of other oh and his daughters you see between you and I he’s a bit antisocial he watches and obverses everything and everyone around him the people who he once had the pleasure of calling friends all turned their backs against him without reason nor an answer as to why they abandon him he makes the assumption that it’s just life and that people will only use and care for one another if it’s beneficial to them physiologically speaking his mind has been shattered unable to deal with the frustration of life and heavy burdens on his back he goes back to hanging out with the marijuana clouds the marijuana clouds insists that everything is going to be okay so there is no need to worry the marijuana clouds even go as far as to make him smile and laugh for a bit