EmpressRee | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 16400
contest winner 2
contest winner
lightness in the dark
Poetry is the calling of the soul

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Open Script



Views: 456

Journeying along this path of life
structured around those things we should do and those we would like to do
Pages yet to be filled
lay impatient, wondering, hoping
soon to be yearning to be recognized for its purpose
the reason it was created in the first place
seeking stories that excite the reader
enticing them to turn, to catch a deeper glimpse
to embark on the journey of free will
those things we once couldn't do we now fly with confidence
the script is beginning to unfold
but until we realize that
life's journey is a spiral of energy
repositioning itself
those pages will lay
awaiting to be filled

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Well penned EmpressRee. Thanks for sharing the glimpse and the shove into reprositioning least yellowing pages decay into "empty ashes". Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

TIGHT...Drop of Knowledge....I diggs this...thanks for sharing!

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LP45 says:

Great write EmpressRee. Great imagery too. Thank you for sharing.

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RonnieL says:

Yes tight piece. Life journey spiral of energy repositioning itself. Love that line....love the piece all together.

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SYQ222 says:

Awesome Awesome. Excellent!! Bravo Bravo!!!

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Contest Winner  

EmpressRee says:

Mlowe5 I thank you!

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Contest Winner  

EmpressRee says:

I thank you all!

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