Shortiiie_q | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 306

Can you forgive my young mind for having plentiful thoughts of making love , when i ought to be visualizing about the: house i will buy , the car i will drive ,or fantasizing about the man i'll marry...

Young girls, young girls are growing up so fast . Young girls, young girls are living their parent's past . 

Having being untouched , the mind is still curious , but not for long. Laughing with guys and getting along. I soon found me and him in my room all alone . There was the first time then a second. Well, what do you know a third didn't make it . 

Young girls , young girls are being told lies. young girls, young girls do not trust those guys . 

Meeting and greeting isn't always good, at least for me . My personaliy is very attractive and even the light skin conceited will try me. To his surprise i was good at denying . He knows i want commitment so he starts the lying. 

Young girls , young girls only want to be loved . Young girls , young girls love yourself first. 

Open your eyes, let your lids widen ,and allow your pupils to see, that lifestyle isn't for thee . 

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Skyee95 says:

I like it.
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2b2b2 says:

Brilliant Share....thanks....ONE

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