SYQ222 | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 333

Wake up every morning, I see her peeking in. Waving to me, however the wind bends. She sees everthing I do from her birds eye view, she's a longtime friend so she really not intruding. We've weathered many storms and we've been to hail and back but now it time for me to spruce her up. The neighbors are complaining that shes been creeping in their backyards and some how she's been distrubing some of their belongings. I said "Sir that don't sound like my sweet Willow, you know her bark is bigger than her bite". He laughed and went on inside. I mumbled under my breath "then keep your noisy old dog from around her". I really love my Willow.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Beautiful capture.

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SYQ222 says:

Thank you so much Wize Dom!!!

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