Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 234

A god from the ETHER
Whom speaks to both believers and unbelievers
Through your screens and your speakers
An unstoppable force, with a Chosen Course to be a teacher
It’s an honor to meet ya
I seek NOT to intervene or impede you
But I speak to reach and to teach ya
Thus this demiurge, has a lyrical urge to splurge
Dro¶¶ing spectral bars from afar like a starburst immersed in verse
'Cause we reversed our death and dearth
And got unplugged and Awakened, from 'their matrix'
Now comic agents fear OUR purposeful persuasion
So they deem us PATHogEnic genetic ¢ontagions
Ruminating on the ruined nation
From their 0wn ruin@tion
Not misconstrued sedation
I'm a digital hyper sonic Type of tonic
Using phonics and sometimes ebonics with logic
Intellectually circuitous augmentation
Demonstrated through verbal illustration
Plugs pulled and torn from the mechanical umbilical
So, hear our audibly symphonically phonic mystical
Antiquated Sumerian alien Utopian monad
Not a dystopian nomad, that’s so sad
Reincarnated for the 7th time as an end sign
An ensign, of being quantum entangled 
Not grammatically strangled but entwined 
With the mind of the divine
We're daring and tired of swearing
So we're sharing messages empirical
Spe@king and teaching the cynical
More than quantum spiritual principles
Beyond the 3rd and 4th dimensional literal
Our positions are pivotal, as awakened sages 
That spake sagacious from past ages
No linguistical lackluster grammatics brandished
But ready to break the chains of the rapacious
Our methods are contagiously efficacious
Lyrically beyond MYthos with 'abyss flows'
Two entities of empathy, mythically loquacious
Proof of the immutable and irrefutable TRUTH
Never serpentine colluding or alluding
And never CONvoluting or polluting facts
Strategically tactful and tactical
Quite surgically exact, when we act
And react mathematically with no retractor
Because ONLY A FEW ‘humans'
Know the 'new men’
No angered god that’s fuming
Ready to AssumE, and not pretentiously loom with gloom
Not enthused to inhale and consume 
Or exhume, cosmically exotic fumes
No 'comic toons' assumed
As we resume interviews at interludes
Intergalactically eradicating maladies
Implanted by the dastardly
Through economic strategies of fallacies
So many feel the gravity of the emotional tragedies tragically
Spewing elaborate labyrinths as mystical mavericks
WE RISE to a¶¶rise, it's no surprise we're more than average
And so we surmise there's no compromise
When we inh@bit this, psychological abacus
HuMAN avatar anarchists yet catechists
With hopes of being the very catalysts
To make you have a list, and not be a masocist
BE the Embodiment of godliness
Higher forms of consciousness
Willing to raise the cognitive of the populace
Via metaphysical lyrical dominance
We stand out in prominence due to our providence
And eternal study of Akashic documents
Building up confidence to reach your optimum as optimists
Its obvious we're NOT under somnolence
Which is the consequence of living with pompousness
Helping the disadvantaged, enveloped by avarice
Whom are staggering like Lazarus
Deep-seated somnolence is cancerous
And that f@ct is accurately hazardous
So we’re here to help manage
The machinations of the dastardly damaged
InCORporated by everyday savage
That’s ravenously brandished a hand wic
With a sandwich on a bland dish
Which includes sycophantic antics, with a passage
That must vanish, that was planted
The ¶EOPLE are In need of a bandage
To no longer allow the evil & deceitful manage
What’s been contaminated and ravaged
It may sound 0utlandish
But our essence is from beyond Atlantis
A place bEautifully enchanted
A place of grace
We once existed in THE p@sT
Where WISdom reigned
And knowledge was vast
A race of beings, mentally freeing
Were able to outlast and surpass
The abysmal ga¶, if you can grasp
Inhale and gasp at this epoch of time
This is once again OUR ARRIVAL
Beyond Angels or fire breathing heathen demons of the bible
We inTEND to raise you up into an upward spiral
Activate your Kundalini serpent 
Unfurl the the Chakras up your spinal
Raise your consciousness
TO MORE than just animalistic primal
Not going to iconoclastically secrete and bleed deeds
To stifle any religious philosophies or creeds
Or ideology that's tribal
Simply change your band-width
So switch your frequency dial
Sip from the godly vial
Not be wretched and vile
Remain ¶roductively potent
Not lethargically idle
Bec@u$e your life is a trial, there's no denial
WAKING UP, covered in viscititous bile
You're supposed to, be opposed to
Remaining ignorant and indigent
Thus we compose respite and repose
Despite the highs and the lows
So meditate and self-evaluate
And YOU just might gr@duate
So don't be 'glad you hate'
But be glad you ATE, so learn to masticate
Then ingest, digest and come to Remembrance of your higher self
And HOLD ON to the Lemnisc@tE! ∞

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Well thought out and put together, very powerfully deep.

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SYQ222 says:

Wow that is Excellent!! Bravo!! Excellent write!

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:


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