The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


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lightness in the dark
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Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 342

bout to do this thing
like feathers on a
chicken wing
let the birds sing
who gives a cluck
bout a born yard pimp
when the roosters
in the henhouse
the chickens
can't come out
what the beak
you talking bout
what the bleep
shut yo mouth
moo said the cow
the pigs just a child
something stinks
something's fowl
oh my could it be
chicken pot pie
all over me
I don't know
I don't know why
mash potatoes come
with shepherds pie
peas and carrots on the side
bout to find out
finna buy out
no matter the cost
credit are clout
roll back the prices
hit 'em up, wit Thai spices
thaw the raw pieces
you know, you the ish
when you got a Judas
gold feline wearing
a crown mouth opened wide
sharp teeth ruby red eyes
tight knots in the blood ties


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