thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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demon blood


just different

Views: 270

it was a calm night it crept through the shadows of a motel six in a dark room where it all resides the pain the lust the distrust and disbelief there a female demon and her spawn lay the creature and the female demon didn't waste anytime fusing together her horn against it's chest and a extra set of eyes in the midst of it but the creature and the female demon didnt seem to mind no not one nit in fact they seemed to have gotten an extra bit of sensation from it after they get done fusing togther the creature's true form begin to show as it looks in the mirror the creature drops to it's knees and screams nooo the creature is able to see and feel the demons blood covering it's entire body flash backs and lost memories of it's past begins to resonate from it's mind and heart the creature begins to look at female deomn with disgust and pure unadultrated hatred in it's soul the female deomn starts pressing her poisionus lips against the creatures neck and then the secound fusion begins after the fusion is done the creature begins to beg for mercy and forgiveness the creature repeats the words mercy mercy mercy mercy then yells to god strike me with devine punment the female demon and her spawn starts laughing and begins putting their hands all over the creature consuming the creature's body in....darkness

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