All is just dark
And the wires run wild,
Shocks run through me
And kills all desire.
I wish I could replace this heart
With one of hard cold stone
Just to have a chance
Of never feeling this again.
Emotions are menace,
Intentions gone wrong,
Mentality thinks
Of what was once us is gone.
But no longer do we wait for long
To replace this heart and make it of stone;
We must have this feeling be gone.
Love from desire
To the one I admire;
Love made from lust,
And it all turned to dust.
My feelings, so mixed;
Wish it all could be fixed,
Never feel this love,
Wish it all be reversed.
Wish to never feel,
Make all emotions unreal,
Wish never once I kissed her lips,
Wish never once her I missed.
Wish never once to have laid my eyes on her,
Wish never my heart to her have surrendered.
Stop this feeling!
Wish it all to be gone,
Wish her to have never existed
For my heart longed wrong.
Forget that melody
She never played that song!
Forget all the music that to her I gave.
Forget the emotions
In my heart permanently engraved.
A heart made of stone
And one without fire,
One with no hope,
With no truth or desire.
A heart made of stone,
One that no longer feels.
One that no longer
Knows fake from real.
Replace this heart with one of cold stone
So that it no longer feels so sad in the rain.
Replace this heart with hard cold stone,
So that it is to never feel again.
To rip out this heart made of feeling and emotion,
To rip it out and end mental commotion,
And to replace it with one of hard cold stone,
To have a heart that to love shall never be known.