minayaJ | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 396

Got these long lasting headaches

Rub my eyes to take a break

Head pounding, feels like an earthquake

My eyes squinting I do what it takes

What can it be

Got me feeling like I can't even write poetry

Been slacking on this site please forgive me

Not even drinking black coffee 

Will the caffeine increase the potency

Not even my eyes want to become socialbly

I type with my fingers and stare at the screen

The headache in my head stops everything in between

Read somewhere to place ice on my forehead

I don't take pills that's like keeping them in my body for storage

When I close my eyes and rest them for awhile

Letters and words turn into freestyle

My lips start to part turning words worthwhile

I turn my freestyle into an unheard rhythm like a sundial


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

It's amazing how pain unblocks the flow, listen to calm meditative music, apply a warm compress to your forehead and back of your neck close all doors and rest. You have to fight, you have to right so tell that headache it has to go coz you were born to flow.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Brilliant Work.....Write On!!

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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