reesiecupp | Poetry Vibe
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Pour your pain into words until they rain off the page.

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Attention Hungry



Views: 302

Why do we want attention so bad?
Why is it that it has become the new fad?
Used to be basic Nokia's and Pagers,
Now its iPhones and tablets to go with that new blazer.
The world today is so surreal,
Can you tell if anybody is real?
Do you really know someone or do you know their persona?
Now a days everybody wanna be a prima Madonna.
People will do anything to catch a view,
Everything but sit in the front row of that church pew.
So concerned about the opinions of stranger,
Social media has become a really big danger. 
Why is it so easy to pretend? 
Emotionally, physically, mentally pretend.
That your OK, that your doing good, that your this when in reality your that?
Peoples lives are our entertainment. 
We have all the thoughts in the world of others except for our own attainments.
Selfies and filters we hiding our pain,
Hiding our true beauty trying to have personal gain. 
Is it real? Is it fake? Is it Brazilian or is it straight?
Long black 20 inch hair,
Girls going hard to get them extra stares. 
Do you ever feel complete?
Or you still trying to compete?
Whose the fakest in the crowd? 
Once you won who you making proud?
I got your like I got your approval.
Now that I got it what's left to do?

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