ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 188

Whorled widely spaced finger
tips wink online across the
webbed world Whereby global
access with other starry eyed
Earth linked inhabitants
Provide instantaneous status
per any threat to flora or fauna
inhabiting planet Like some Yahoo
or Mailer Daemon bent on triggering
international apocalypse Disguised
as some innocuous bot (perhaps
the brainchild of an intelligent kid). 
Unleashing a personal vendetta
(like some angry bird) and/or
gloating In Her/His ability to
manipulate raw bits of computer
technology. As if some coeval
twin immersed in a Manichean
duality thrived on Wreaking
havoc thru the medium of
electrical charges. Unstop
able along this Mobius strip
binary tapestry weaving Sinister
motives within digital network, 
Where an infinitesimal disruption
along information superhighway 
Affects said microcosmic infra
structure to become rent asunder 
Triggering black holes to puncture
vulnerability extant within Self
made networked cosmos from
wizardry like magic Sprung from
precocious minds, whose curiosity
nibbled mouse like Excelling as
if wordless soft microbes accessed
control panels Spawning nefarious,
licentious, jealous, hellacious,
ferocious, devious, Automatic
bipolar charges locked in step
to visit dreadful virulent tumult. 
Brought to you dear reader with
support from totalitarian triumph
trumpeter. Where, Dictators topple
like dominoes tombstones taunt
contemporary caesars godfathers
hut tilled dough bro’s united against 
inalienable rights of life, liberty
pursuit of happiness, mushroom
left for overthrow sans oppression
from pepper spray minor deterrent,
whence tyrants trumped keyed up,
high strung bouzouki plucking 
commoners coalescing into command
ding communal cascade overturning
ramparts memorializing despots
egoistic fiefdoms whereby fealty
forced from feckless fiends fleecing
freedoms forcing fake obeisance 
until recently when contagion to
overthrow more than a coup pull
of heinous henchmen in tandem
with their supreme leader whose
brutish nasty reign of terror shortened
from lengths of courage displayed
by humble beings fed up with deprivation
of basic democratic filaments 
pollinating regimes thumbing nose
at human rights suddenly caught
in cross hairs of barreling mad
ding crowd thwarting  heart of
darkness with native sun shine 
seeking revenge against injustice
heaped against innocent populace
which near global spontaneity 
serves well-deserved just desserts!




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