I'm an unc0mmon oddit¥
Synonymous with an anomaly
With a philosophy
To op€n ones opt0metry
Not consciously obstin@te
But a conscious conglomerate obviously
Dro¶¶ing solemn homilies
Uncommon to most, consciously
Not ¶omp0usly
Flip flopping obloquies
In dox0Logical colloquies
Uncovered in m¥ CONSCIENCE colony
Bod@ciously brolic see
Not a ©holic pr0dig¥
With a progeny
Fulfilling ¶rophecy
But pr0bably
An unsto¶¶able obstacle po$$ibly
J0tting the chroni©l€ of the godly
'Enough oddly'
Consci0us cam@rade®y
Of thos€
Whose verbose flows of prose
Opp0se the sloppy ungodly monarchy
But I'm a prophetic om€n
NOT @ ¶ath€tic totem
Verbal aesthetic KNOWman
Not a showman
But an overgrown verbose flowman
Toting my verboten totem
Through poetically potent p0tion$
THAT h@ppens to be
Grammatically acrobatically athletic
Foolishly frenetic
Wo®mhole in my g€n€ti©
Consciously KINetic
Deliberately MAGnetic
Not lasciviously pathetic
Vir@lly path0g€nic
Perfecting my global noble phonetic
Purposeful placement
With0ut defac€ment
Of my subCONscious basement
D€€per level replacement
While KNOWledge chasing
And tiMe €rasing
B@ck & forth pa©ing
While soul t®acing
Th®ough word lacing
¶erfect pr0s€ prosthetic
Seri0us sentient spectre
Inspe©ting the synthetic ALPHAbetic
Rh¥thmic aneurism anaesthetic
Growing @patheti©
Past pain pensivity
While wildly sitting idl¥
C@using di©tion diuretic
Eradicating m¥ voracity
While tactically
Time €lap§ing
And TRAPping my capa©ity
To be €mp@th€tic
¥et someh0w still en€rg€tic
And s¥mpathetically attracted
T0 the ped@g0gi©ally did©ctic
And geomagn€tic
Surpa§§ing Neo
And his soul pro§theti©
Yet h0w
This serpent sacred
Has been burning hatred
Turning flagrant
Discerning agents
Within the m@trix
Blatantly contagious
Making me MORE tenacious
Tactfully and thankfull¥
Outrageosly sagacious
Moronically morose
In this midst
Of my spits mist
And ironic demonic throes
Toward never ending friendly foes
My spirit grows
Cause my soul knows
My fluent flow glows
I see
That Im highly unsightly
So I recite
Despite my flickering light
Even through flaws
And empirical cyclical laws
I remain spiritual
Beautifully painted
Yet tainted
With the cynical
Mega metaphysical principles
High Priest metaphorically literal
Positioned to be pivotal
Inquisition of the pitiful
In$anely zany & brainy
Coercively conditioned to be critical
Rendition of a mavens mission
P0ntificated and agitated
Pra©tically reacting drastically
Like a magistrate hated
Confident courage confiscated
Diction deflated
Deliberate intri©aci€s elevaT€d
To conspire
Again§t liars
Djinns lingual frenulum fire
Freakish geekish refinery
Until I'm distill€d and tr@n§piring!